I am so happy finally i can meet with indonesian people :)
Sri harini and Aida, my another exchange students in KS and MO
Don, a local coordinator from International American Council is a great person. he invited me to join the bazaar and presentation in park university on Friday. so I was decided to sing Indonesia anthem there.
I stayed at Sri house since Thursday night. We went to Hyvee and found tempeh and tofu. finally!!!
we went to Chipotle to buy mexican food. i bought a buritos for $8!
after that, at 2 pm, don picked us up to the park univ.
it was so great though to see many people from different country. there were a lot of tables display. from country that i've never heard before, azarbajian and togo. it was interesting to know about the diversity.
people said that we dress up great :)
and times to show! Aida was the first one, Rapping ! Sri, dancing! and me Singing!
but it was so funny cause there always a mess up in every performance. Aida forgot the lyric, Sri stuck in the stage cause the operator stop the music in the middle, and me lost my voice in the last part. that was horrible :)
but that was fine, we still super duper confidence :p
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