yesterday I sleepover at my grandpa house. my aunt picked me up at home after brandon basketball practice, then we went to winery like what i'had already rild before. at her house we cooked together for dinner. i made a sauce (sambel) that I used to make in Indonesiaa and rice. that was delicuous :) then I cleaned my cousin room cause it was look messy and awful ! and they just busy played with their X-box even until now. they are freak! haha after that i just enjoyed scary movie with anita. that was embrassing in the morning, i woke up cause i heard my own fart. that was so loud, and they were laughing at me :( they said i did that when i was sleeping also. huhu after that, anita took brandon to his dad. and i could go cause i wanna meet him, yeah ! their eyes look the same. after took him, we went to walmart cause hulliab want to buy some soap and shampoo, he such a lady isn't it? haha then we went to john brown and traon museum. i love it because people wjo work the...
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