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wonderful weekend

friday after basketball game, my mom finally want to give me ride to target. the point where i will meet with ellen, Sri's mom. we were waiting while we were walking around, it was so surpised for me cause i found sale for many christmas stuff there. I can get $4 stuff for only $.19 !!! so, i decided to borrow my mom money to buy souvernir :)

ellen came! bye mom.. and my weekend started

I met Aida in Sri's house. for the second time, we spent time together. after we had delicious dinner, we planned to our tour tomorrow and talked until 3 in the morning. Sri always pull my blanket ! it sucks ! :D

woke up at 10. running for breakfast and leaving home. ride bus to market city. that's a great place also. they have many store with different kind of country stuff-also food. we ate middle eastern food there who the seller are from palestine. make me wonder why they move here? war?
we also went to arabian ship museum and i bought unique sharpener and bug :)

from there, we went to chinatown food market. we freak out cause finally we found many indonesian ingredients, such as bumbu kare, rendang, soto. moreover, nutrijel and helo panda!!! iyaaa

then we rode bus again to union station. that was a tremendous place, great! fit for weddig picture ) cause they have high ceiling, giant christmas tree and tall pillar also. cool!
they have rail road train under ground
through mirror bridge we went to crown mall, place where we would play ice skatig!!! my first ice skatkng!!!
there, we also enjoy how beautiful water fountain with music :)) lalalala

actually it a bit tough for sri and aida to ask me play this. first, cause i don't to spend my money, second, my friend
has already promised me to go there fot free :) it feel it useless for me. but finally i went

haha, i didn't regret it. it was so much fun, fall down for several times until freeze my hand and sliding on ice. it was funny cause they said they gonna teach me but after 10 minutes I did better than them . haha
and i forgot to wear shock that time, slide me feet skin, that was hillarious :))))

from there we decided to go home cause sri's mom cooked indonesian food,: satay :)

after that, she took us to a great concert-teater. it's kind of oprah which tells about story of jews in Russian in tsa time.

and today, we just celebrated Sri's party at her house. Aida rapping, Sri dancing, and again, i was singing :)


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