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free from the debt trap

I just finished talking with my family back home. Thanks Nadia Arifah for calling my mom. :*

she was running from Warung to talk with me. it has been almost 5 moths not talk with my family at all until finally yesterday my sister message me in Facebook about the house.

okay, so hoe this story begun..
Life is hard, we had problem with money since my parents divorce. try to borrow money from one bank to another bank. until we had a debt mountain thar we can't afford to pay.
the only money that we had is our
house. That's no
choice. We had to sell it so we can move on.

we started to sell the house even before I left and hope it sold fast so my family has money when I left. But God says different.
That's the hardest reason honestly to leave my family back
home. left them in that circumstances. but yeah, I have to go.
i pray night to night for them. Wish when I wake up in the morning I got email from my family that the house sold. 6 months......

yesterday, I read message from my sister told about that. In the library, I cried. Not because i was sad, but because Finally God listen to it. thanks Alloh :)))

so, i am in passion talk with my family today. Skipping school just for them. my hearth. We talked a lot, but
it suck cause their microphone doesn't work, so They could see and hear me but i just read their text. but that's fine.
I love them so much. I am sad because we lost our roof that we stayed since i was kid, but ao
excited because our new life begin. Free from the debt trap :')


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