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Lost money "Again"

it was awful last night. while I have practicing in basketball practice, suddenly my dad text me,. "Go home as soon as you done." Audrey gave me ride home and I rushed the door. My mother with her sad and stressful face said, "We lost $650! Help me find it!" And I run to my room to check in my stuff maybe its slip on it-nothing. I run downstairs to check Joe stuff, I look through everything, blanket, DVD case, window, bed. but i still can't find it. my dad text everyone at home to go back soon. he was so upset, when Mariah and Ashley asked to go somewhere, he said, "I am f***ing don't care about that! you have to find it tonight! that's money for house rent." I was so sad to hear that. My dad took his car and run us to the school to check our locker one by one. but we still can't find it. as soon as we arrive at home the girls checked boys room, and boys either. dad said, "if i find my money in you guys, whoever is that, I'll prose

Untuk Wanita yang Paling Ku Hormati

  Umi saat menengok anaknya di Jakarta beberapa waktu lalu Untuk wanita yang paling kuhormati diantara langit dan bumi, kan ku ceritakan sepenggal kisah tentang Kau dan Aku. Matahari mulai menepi. Jam menunjukan pukul 06.00 dan aku masih duduk disalah satu lorong itu, menunggumu. Sebagian besar temanku sudah pulang Ibu. Setapak langkah mereka dari ruang kelas bahasa Inggris ini, disanalah Ibu atau ayah mereka telah menunggu. “Sudah belajar apa anak ku?” pertanyaan yang berulang kali kudengar. Mereka berjalan bersama menyusuri lorong, dan menghilang. Jauh didepan kaca lobby yang tertembus oleh pandanganku, berdiri mereka yang sedang menunggu pula. Mobil berhenti, payung dibuka, seseorang keluar dan mencium rambut mereka, masuk bersama kedalam mobil, dan menghilang. Tinggal aku sendiri disudut ruang.   Beberapa tahun sebelumnya. Ingatkah ketika aku menunggumu sore itu? Hampir 4 jam sudah aku duduk di kursi depan masjid sekolah dan kau tak kunjung datang. Sudah tak bisa ku