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Showing posts from October, 2013


Cerita ini dimulai ketika aku memutuskan untuk bergabung di salah satu organisasi pemuda di kampung daerah pinggiran kota, Godean. Saat itu aku yang baru duduk dikelas 1 SMA. Selama ini aku belum pernah aktif karena sehari-hari aku bersekolah di kota. Pertama kali hadir dipertemuan rapat Karang Taruna, tidak seperti harapan ku yang ada, sebagian besar remaja sibuk dengan perangkat teleponnya masing-masing. Bukankah ini sedang rapat?  Beberapa hari setelah itu, tiba-tiba ada keramaian di samping rumahku. Aku bertanya dalam diri, ada acara apa ini sebenarnya? Dan ternyata, salah satu teman main ku saat kecil sedang melangsungkan pernikahan. Sedikit kecewa karena tidak mendapat undangan, tapi satu hal yang pasti ku tau. Dia sedang mengandung seorang calon jabang bayi. Terkadang, pada malam hari terdegar tawa dari depan rumah dari segerombolan remaja. Kata-kata yang digunakan pun bukan kata-kata yang baik untuk didengar. Ibuku selalu memintaku untuk mengunci pintu dan menutup ...


Kalau boleh jujur, hidup itu ga pernah mudah. Bukan perkara banyak tugas kuliah terus dosennya nyebelin bukan main, buka masalah berantem sama pacar seakan dunia mau kiamat, bukan juga galau milih deretan film yang lagi tayang dibioskop, bukan juga bingung mau ngapain karena seharian belum ngapa-ngapain, bukan juga sekadar kantong anak kos yang lagi tipis karena akhir bulan-toh awal bulan juga dapet trasferan lagi. Nope. Hari ini alhamdulillah dapet compliment dari salah satu temen dikampus, dia bilang aku so mature -___-  Aku sendiri merasa masih jauh dari itu.  Masalahnya, pendewasaan itu dateng dari masalah. kalau mau cerita tentang masalahku sendiri, kayaknya ini bukan tempat yang tepat dan bakal super duper panjang. Yang pasti salah satu temen dekatku pernah bilang, I could write a book from my own stories. Surely, I will if I already have time thou! Yang bakal jadi main character is my SUPER MOM. Kenapa? Oke, aku kasih brief storynya aja yaa. (Really, I am gon...

think again

1. going home early like always in Pak Tata class. well, doesn't really matter cause most of us love it. we're gonna say that this is the best class ever, isn't it? 2. in the other hand, Vokasi, heard about that from friends and the announcement. how UKT seems not right, for some, they say it's not fair and too much money they pay than they should.  so, let's think again. compare my statements above. is it something right that we should happy for or not? so, why do we have to ask for dispensation then? so, think again :)

Bisnis Pengantar Pak Amin Wibowo chapter 1-7

Transforming the old generation to the new one

Watched Indonesian match 2 days ago. feeling proud about this country that actually have lots of potential and talents. in the other side, Akil Mochtar, the leader of the highest law institution in this country caught did corruption. it just so dissapointing. so who we can trust right now? i have heard somebody said that it's been a culture for the older to do things like that, it just so common and acceptable for them. as an example, till now, i dont have driving lisence even i have driving since in junior high school (but believe me, i never hit anybody or harm people around me). then, my parents gave me some money to make lisence by paying somebody to make it. and i never done that, and i dont want to. i told them that i am going to what we should do through all the steps. they said, "you'll never get a lisence then." i really hate that and i said, "that's the reason why this country is so poor. cause eerybody in your age think about like that." and...

This Your Job, kids!

*I teach 6/7 days as you know, privately or in formal institution in Yogyakarta. Monday: a 1st grade and a 5th grader Wednesday: 21 6th grader Thursday: 5 5th grader in the evening and a 6th grader at night Wednesday: a 1st grade and a 5th grader Sunday: 16 1th-9th grader at my house (oops, 5 out of 6 days) so, we discuss about ecosystem balance in the class today. I gave them an article about Orang Utan, Badak bercula 1, pembakan hutan, penambangan pasir, and Freeport. I asked them to read it, find the 5W+1H and give a respond on it. Then, one by one they have to share it in front of the class and said what they thought. on the end of the presentation, they just seem so annoyed with all we, human, have done. Imam said, "So, are we Indonesian that stupid making the agreement with US about Freeport?" I replied, "Well, we used to." Agsa said, "That's really annoying how we get 1% out of 99% we have there. It should be at least 50% for us!" and ...

Behind The Story

First of all, I wanna say thanks to Alloh by giving every single things I asked. Be part of Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada, get full scholarship for it, finally could have my own brand, graduate as the highest grade, and lots of things i can't say one by one. moreover, feeling so grateful being accepted in Equilibrium, a journalism club at FEB UGM. Honestly, I never thought that they gonna put my name on it. I never working on this thing, nope. But I have lots of things to share to people. and that's the reason why I decide to take it. Being a faculty student isn't that easy as I thought. being independent and it need lots of effort to do all the things done on time and perfect. i don't know, maybe it just me that feel that. these what I have been doing and why I said it's hard to divide the priority: 1. Campus 2. Organization 3. Event 4. Teaching 6/7 days 5. Working it seems crazy, but I go out at 8 in the morning and go home at...